Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Two Proposed General Education Plans †English Essay

The Two Proposed General Education Plans – English Essay Free Online Research Papers The Two Proposed General Education Plans English Essay It is said that education is the key to success. But do students get the most out of education? The school Addams States University is a about to adapt a new curriculum for all college students, for not only the students, but also the faculty staffs are hating the current system that the school is implementing. The two proposed general education plans are called the Ozawa Plan, which was developed by a committee of business and engineering under the supervision of Dr. Mason Ozawa. It consist of English Composition that has 6 units and 3-unit subjects such as Speech, Critical thinking, History, Literature and arts, and Science which totals to 21 units. Another proposed plan is the Williams Plan, which was designed by Dr. Randolph Williams of Asian-American Studies. This plan resembles the Ozawa Plan, but it has some added courses such as the American, European, and African/Asian History, Social Science, and a Senior seminar. Some subjects on the Williams Plan are expanded to more units which makes it a total of 48 units in all. As a college student, I am personally concern on what my fellows are going to have as they adapt one of the two suggested general education plans. Although the Ozawa plan calls for early graduation of college students, the Williams plan is more ideal in preparing for the â€Å"real† world and in being competitive in the job market. Time-keeping wise, the Ozawa Plan is much more brief and concise. Students are able to save their time and use it for their other activities and agendas. Considering it’s value for education, it has the subjects that are crucial to students’ education. With this plan, students are able to give more time in focusing on their chosen major. They are only given 21 units for general education courses, and the rest are reserved for their major. Also, a huge amount of money are can be saved for their other expenses. In the views of students of Sociology 220 captured from the Campus Outlook, 68% of randomly selected students favored the Ozawa Plan, which calls for minimal subjects of 21 units. But contrasting this poll, almost none of the students who took the poll knew what the two plans are all about, according to Joanne Silva, a representative of the students of Sociology 220. Students were randomly selected to vote. Not all students know about the plan. Some didn’t e ven care. Considering the points of the professors, Professor Donald Chan said, â€Å"We think that students should get an education here, not just get trained in a technical subject. We want students to graduate with an awareness of how rich this world is and how they can be a part of that richness.†(Integrations,110) Professor Chan expresses their desire for students to get rich in learning, that is, learning the other constructs of education. Professor Lilian Frost, on the other hand, argues, â€Å"Students can’t spend their lives here. They can’t take everything. And if they’re going to be competitive on the job market, they have to take the courses that will make them competitive.† (Integrations,110) Professor Frost contrastingly explains that students would go a long way when not taking the Ozawa Plan. She points that students should take courses that would make them competitive in landing a job, rather than taking courses beyond their field of study. The Williams Plan, on the other hand, calls for longer general education program. It consist of broader subject areas like world history (American, European, African/Asian) that helps students become aware of the world around them. With more time for study, students are thoroughly trained in preparing for the â€Å"real† world and in getting a job. Using a general education program similar to the Williams Plan at my school, I’ve conducted an interview on my English 92 classmates, asking their reactions and feelings in having such kind of G.E program. 7 out of 10 said that they feel much more educated, knowledgeable and most of all, confident. They feel they have high opportunities in getting a job, and they feel much more confident, knowing that they feel good about themselves, and that they have the guts to handle whatever complications and adversities the â€Å"real† world has to offer. While the remaining 3 people honestly think the current program our school is having is a complete waste of time. They said it only calls for longer and useless courses, which are unrelated to what major they’re interested in. They said that it will be the same in considering a job, as long as they’re focused with their major. Supporting this contrast statement, some subjects included in the Williams Plan has no apparent connection to the students’ chosen major. Also, this plan would make too much time and money of the students, but once students are able to feel the outside world after graduation, they will realize that their time spent and expenses in college is worth it. The chances for jobs and promotions are higher, better pay, and the school expenses are paid back much bigger. Justifying those statements on employment, I would like to point out the views on promotions and landing an entry level job. It is also very important for colleges and universities to consider the expectations, requirements, and qualifications of employers to graduated students who are looking for a job. According to the Campus Outlook, Sherman Grant of the Monolith Corporation says, â€Å"What we’re getting from schools is a bunch of trained seals who can’t read and write and think for themselves. The don’t know anything except accounting, or whatever they’ve majored in.† These statements clearly talks about how students graduate early but with limited knowledge and underdeveloped thinking and awareness. In the words of the director of recruitment for State Utilities, Marjorie Paderewski, â€Å"we’d really like to have it all people both well trained and well educated. The people with the training do get most of the entry level jobs. But the people with the education too get most of the promotions.† These lines emphasizes the desire of employers to get highly-educated students. Students who are not only expert on their field of study, but also on the other aspects of learning. Showing the pro’s and con’s of the two plans, Addams State should be really careful and sensitive in choosing the right curriculum for the whole student body. Adapting a new plan will surely take effect on what students will be and will have, once they start living the â€Å"real† world. They should not only decide on what is actually quick and easy, but on what they think is essential for students to become well-prepared, highly-educated, and well-motivated college graduates. Research Papers on The Two Proposed General Education Plans - English EssayStandardized TestingAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaHip-Hop is ArtBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfTwilight of the UAWAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Project Managment Office SystemResearch Process Part OnePETSTEL analysis of India

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